Powerball Information: Prizes, Rules & Jackpot

Let’s find out more about the Powerball prizes, jackpot and rules of playing.

Powerball Lotto – Game of chance or a lottery is one of the most popular form of entertainment in the world when it comes to gambling. Literally most of us have participated in a lottery drawing at least once in their life.

Lotteries are very simple and exciting games with clear rules, there is absolutely nothing complicated about them and everyone is able to learn the rules of any lottery very fast.

So if you’re an enthusiast of numbers games and are still looking for a new and interesting lottery to test, you should definitely read further into the article. We’ll tell you what’s the world’s most famous Powerball lotto, how the game works, what are the chances and risks, and also how much one can win (Powerball prizes and jackpot).

Latest Result (Jan 20, 2025, 22:59:00 EST)

Latest Result (Jan 20, 2025, 22:59:00 EST)
Country Schedule Guess Range
Country USA Schedule
Tuesday 03:59 UTC Lottery Local Time: Monday 22:59 EST
Thursday 03:59 UTC Lottery Local Time: Wednesday 22:59 EST
Sunday 03:59 UTC Lottery Local Time: Saturday 22:59 EST
Guess Range 5/69 + 1/26
Latest Result (Jan 20, 2025, 22:59:00 EST): Latest Result (Jan 20, 2025, 22:59:00 EST)

Powerball lottoWhat is the Powerball lottery?

It’s an American lottery that’s been functioning since 1988, it used to be known as Lotto America, but in 1992 the name was changed to today’s Powerball. It is one of the most popular lotteries in the world, it has its lottery offices in USA in as many as 21 states, as well as in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.
It is worth noting that the lottery was a precursor to drawing out of two drums, which gives an opportunity to get higher winnings.

The Powerball lotto drawings take place every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:59 EST, usually the place of drawing is the Florida Lottery studio. Lottery tickets can be purchased on the drawing day until 10:00.

If you don’t live or aren’t staying in United States and have no means of purchasing a Powerball lotto ticket online then all you have to do is use our LottoMat website. Here you can play Powerball lotto over the Internet, read interesting articles and check the latest Powerball drawing results.

What are the rules of playing Powerball lottoWhat are the rules of playing Powerball lottery?

Since the lottery’s creation, the rules have changed several times, it was usually to modernize in order to provide the players with ability to win high monetary Powerball prizes. Initially one had to select seven numbers out of a pool of 40 numbers. Then a selection of a second bonus number from a smaller pool was added. The size of the pool changed several times until it was ultimately agreed upon to select five numbers out of 69 and one out of 26 so-called Powerballs. These rules still function to this day. A number from the main drawing can be identical to the number in the second drawing.

chances of winning Powerball LottoWhat are the risks and the chances of winning Powerball?

In a word, they are actually pretty high. The likelihood of a first level winning is 1:292 millions. Chances of a second level winning are just 1: 11,5 million which is an enormous gap and the chances get incredibly higher. For comparison, chances in the Polish Lotto are 1:14 millions when it comes to the main prize. In the Powerball lotto, 1 out of every 25 sent tickets wins. So the risk is not low, but neither are the winnings, in fact they’re one of the highest in the world. That’s why despite such low likelihood not only does the number of people interested in Powerball not drop, but it actually keeps successively growing year by year uninterrupted.
The minimal Powerball bet is 2 dollars, this price is very attractive for most players, especially considering the high winnings.

Winning in PowerballPowerball prizes – how much can one win?

To say that Powerball offers very high winnings is like to say nothing. The amounts we’re talking about are downright enormous, it’s hard to even imagine what to do with such a huge prize. In the event of winning, you would never have to work again, as well as your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

The lowest guaranteed winning in Powerball is 40 million dollars, when converting it to zloties it is hard to believe own eyes. Not to mention the average winnings are around 110-120 million dollars. The second level winnings look less appealing. It’s a „humble” one million dollars. It is enough, however, to select 5 correct numbers to become a lucky owner of it. Everything changes, though, when a rollover occurs. Oh yeah! A rollover jackpot in Powerball is a pure and unadulterated madness.

What are Powerball rollovers likeWhat are Powerball rollovers like?

What mostly makes Powerball different from for example Polish Lotto lottery is huge rollovers which make heart beat faster, and the jackpots that come with them are shockingly high. How are emotions supposed not to skyrocket when Powerball has no such things as the upper rollover threshold. It means that if the players are lucky and there are several times when nobody wins the main prize, the pool keeps on accumulating until the correct numbers are selected. A lotto rollover jackpot is usually split among several players which means that the prize is split proportionally among all of them. But it has happened more than once in the history of Powerball when only a single person selected the numbers drawn and won the entire jackpot just for themselves.

Powerball informationsWhat was the all-time record winning?

The highest winning ever was 1,5 billion dollars, this Powerball record occurred not so long ago which was in 2016. The lucky numbers were sent by 3 people, so the amount was split among three players. Which is still a huge and impressive sum. Another unusually high jackpot that America if not the whole world was crazy about was almost 600 million dollars. In that case fortune smiled on a single player who didn’t have to share his winnings with anyone.

Who can play PowerballWho can play Powerball and win Powerball prizes?

Everyone gets a chance to play as long as they are adult. Not so long ago Powerball was only available to Americans or anyone who was on the United States territory and could use a lottery office. Now it’s all different. And it’s all thanks to Internet lotteries and our LottoMat website. It doesn’t matter if you live in Africa, Asia or Europe. Or if you’re sitting behind the desk, lying in the bed, jogging or relaxing in the backyard. You can play Powerball and win Powerball jackpot anywhere. Online lotteries have become incredibly popular, most players use this kind of solution since it’s incredibly convenient. All you need is Internet access. It gives a lot of freedom to players all around the globe.

How to play Powerball over the InternetHow to play Powerball over the Internet?

All you have to do is login on the LottoMat website, fill out a ticket with your favorite numbers and that’s it. Then you just wait for the drawing and check the Powerball results. These are also easy to look up on our website. Playing Powerball over the Internet is incredibly simple, and it gives so much excitement.

When Powerball lotto drawings take placeWhen Powerball lotto drawings take place?

Powerball drawings take place twice a week – on Wednesday and Saturday. Looking for strong emotions and great winnings? Play Powerball lotto online – fast, convenient and without leaving the house. Good luck!

Powerball prizes and chances of winning

Tier Match
Prize Chance to win
Prize #1I Match
5 + 1
Prize : Jackpot Chance to win : 1 in 292,201,338
Prize #2II Match
5 + 0
Prize : $1,000,000 Chance to win : 1 in 11,688,053.52
Prize #3III Match
4 + 1
Prize : $50,000 Chance to win : 1 in 913,129.18
Prize #4IV Match
4 + 0
Prize : $100 Chance to win : 1 in 36,525.17
Prize #5V Match
3 + 1
Prize : $100 Chance to win : 1 in 14,494.11
Prize #6VI Match
3 + 0
Prize : $7 Chance to win : 1 in 579.76
Prize #7VII Match
2 + 1
Prize : $7 Chance to win : 1 in 701.33
Prize #8VIII Match
1 + 1
Prize : $4 Chance to win : 1 in 91.98
Prize #9IX Match
0 + 1
Prize : $4 Chance to win : 1 in 38.32
Overall chances of winning any prize : 1 in 24.87