Eurojackpot Lottery Results & Winning Numbers

Estimated jackpot: €98,000,000
Tier Match
Winners Payout per winner
Prize #1 I Match
5+ 2
Winners:   0 Payout per winner:   €0.00
Prize #2 II Match
5+ 1
Winners:   6 Payout per winner:   €512,436.00
Prize #3 III Match
5+ 0
Winners:   24 Payout per winner:   €72,247.50
Prize #4 IV Match
4+ 2
Winners:   57 Payout per winner:   €5,017.70
Prize #5 V Match
4+ 1
Winners:   1,256 Payout per winner:   €284.60
Prize #6 VI Match
3+ 2
Winners:   2,283 Payout per winner:   €172.20
Prize #7 VII Match
4+ 0
Winners:   3,081 Payout per winner:   €92.80
Prize #8 VIII Match
2+ 2
Winners:   31,670 Payout per winner:   €28.70
Prize #9 IX Match
3+ 1
Winners:   50,946 Payout per winner:   €19.90
Prize #10 X Match
3+ 0
Winners:   130,037 Payout per winner:   €14.80
Prize #11 XI Match
1+ 2
Winners:   161,905 Payout per winner:   €14.80
Prize #12 XII Match
2+ 1
Winners:   726,084 Payout per winner:   €9.90
Total Sum: Total Winners:   1,107,349 :   €19,562,799.50

Awaiting Eurojackpot resultsAwaiting Eurojackpot results

After logging in, you see a ticket with numbers on your account and are waiting impatiently for the Eurojackpot results. After all, in just few moments you might become a millionaire. Until you know the numbers drawn, anything can happen, and you can see the lottery results on this website. We publish them ultra fast right after receiving a message from the Eurojackpot host’s website, so you are guaranteed that it is reliably confirmed and 100% real.

Check the Eurojackpot resultsHave you won at Eurojackpot online? Check the Eurojackpot results

The thing is easy as pie. You picked the numbers, we published the results, now all you have to do is compare the two. The current Eurojackpot results are always located on the top of the page. Next to it is the date of the last drawing. If the numbers you picked match the ones published, it means you have won!

The main prize in the jackpot lotto is won by the person who correctly guesses five main numbers from the range of 1 to 50 and two bonus numbers (Euro Numbers) from the range of 1 to 12 which is all seven numbers. So in a word, in order to win one has to guess the biggest amount of numbers and euro numbers. his kind of drawing creates quite a lot of opportunities to win, as the number of winning levels grows, which there is as many as twelve of in Eurojackpot. It is worth noting that someone who only guesses two main numbers and one bonus number also wins. Which means that if you pick three numbers correctly, you are guaranteed a prize in Eurojackpot. In the table above you will find exact tips on which threshold applies to the numbers you chose, and the combination can be very diverse and surprising here.

If you have already checked and found out that all or at least some of the numbers on your ticket match the lotto jackpot drawing results, you know you’re a part of the group of lucky winners and among the one million of those who won, because that’s how many tickets win a monetary reward in every drawing of this lottery (taking all the winning levels into account).

Of course it’s logical that the best profits come from a ticket that matches the drawing 100%, as the minimum prize without a rollover in Eurojackpot is whole 10 million euro! Oh yes, this lottery comes with truly unfathomably high prizes! Eurojackpot is a game of chance that offers winning one of the highest monetary prizes in Europe.

In the table on the LottoMat website you will also find lower thresholds and prizes assigned to them together with values. If you reach the second or third threshold, you can still gain a lot, since Eurojackpot is a game where rollovers get split in a very unusual and unique way. Drawings in lotteries take place every week on Friday in Finland at 8:00 PM and up until that time it is possible to purchase tickets for the current drawing. Only adults can participate in a Eurojackpot drawing online, which means someone over the age of eighteen.

Rollovers in EurojackpotRollovers in Eurojackpot

We have mentioned above that the rules of Eurojackpot differ slightly from those accepted in other number lotteries. The minimum main prize is whole 10 000 000 EUR, but in the event of lack of a winner a rollover takes place (like in other games). Its upper threshold is 120 000 000 EUR, and each amount above that value is moved to the lower levels of the game. It means that a player who in such situation guesses, for example, only five main numbers and one bonus number still has a chance to win a lot of money. That’s what makes the Eurojackpot lottery stand out among other games of chance, everyone has chances of high winnings. In every other lottery, the rollover jackpot just keeps on growing until one player or players hit it.

Such rules don’t exist in other games, which is why you should play the biggest rollover lotto jackpots, because even if you don’t get all the winning numbers, you can still earn a lot!
So far there have been two jackpots this big in Eurojackpot – in Italy and Germany, but let us not forget that winnings of many millions occur every week during drawings. What could be interesting here is the fact that a significant amount of them actually comes from tickets purchased over the Internet!

Think about how convenient it is, to be able to purchase an Eurojackpot lottery ticket online without leaving the house, or even without getting up from the comfy chair! Currently most of the players purchase their tickets online, and the LottoMat website is a leader in those sales. Don’t buy tickets on unknown websites, it comes with a lot of risk.

Archived Eurojackpot resultsArchived Eurojackpot results

To see the archived Eurojackpot results, you just have to use the calendar of results. It is located under the date of the latest drawing. All you have to do is pick the date you’re most interested with and see the game results so far.

The latest and archived lotto results allow you to check what numbers were drawn in earlier drawings, what was the rollover frequency in a particular lottery, the number of winners and the record winnings. All of that is for you to build a strategy of playing Eurojackpot and develop your own method of selecting numbers. On the other hand, if you want to select numbers faster but still use statistics, you are free to use our tips on the most and the least drawn numbers in Eurojackpot lotteries. All the necessary data and info can be found on the Lottomat website.
Remember not to limit yourself in lotteries. Which makes it a good idea to select from the entire pool of available numbers when making a bet, as it increases your chances of winning the main prize.

The most drawn numbers in Eurojackpot Eurojackpot results: The most drawn numbers

Combine strategies and techniques and see what are our tricks to increase the chances in drawing. One of them is using the “hot” Eurojackpot numbers. Pick the numbers 6, 7, 9, 22 and 32 for drawing, mixing them with others that are important to you or get drawn often according to your strategy. When choosing the bonus numbers, check out these: 5, 8, 4 and 2. We know them thanks to constantly and meticulously monitoring the Eurojackpot results.

Jackpot BehaviourJackpot Behaviour

When you look at other lotteries, like the EuroMillions or the German Lotto, it becomes pretty clear that the Eurojackpot has been designed in a completely different way. It has been created so that you have a higher chance of winning, and so that it pays out more frequently than the others. In fact, the statistics are pretty clear on this, as the EuroMillions and German Lotto have their odds set at 1:139 million, whereas the Eurojackpot is 1:95 million. The odds are better, and that means your chances are too.

This does mean that Eurojackpot probably won’t grow to the insane and record-breaking jackpots that are seen in the EuroMillions, but this isn’t a bad thing. The reason for this is that the money in the pot is more likely to be won instead of rolled over for weeks on end. This means that more people end up having a seriously good day instead of facing regular disappointment.

It was actually until January 31, 2013, that the Eurojackpot had a feature known as the lottery rolldown. This clause meant that if the jackpot was not won over the course of 12 consecutive draws, the next one would result in a rolldown. So, if no one was able to match all seven winning numbers, the jackpot would instead be paid out to the next tier where a winner is available.

In fact, it is this very clause that led to the previous jackpot record of 27,545,857.50 Euros; which is an incredible amount. This was won in August 2012 when a German player who was able to match the five main numbers but only one of the two Euronumbers was able to walk away with the entire jackpot despite being in the second prize tier.

It’s been mentioned that Eurojackpot was made to compete with the EuroMillions and other, similar, forms of lottery game, and that the jackpot tends to be smaller than these as a result. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t substantial prizes to be won. Generally speaking, the jackpot will start at 10million Euros and can rollover up to a staggering 90million Euros – a prize that was first won in the Czech Republic, and has been received a few times since.

Every year, there are multiple jackpot winners, and it has been this way since the lottery was started back in 2012. It’s quite reassuring to see that there have been over 70 winners over the course of the past seven years, and it totals up to almost hitting one jackpot recipient each month. Three people have won the massive 90million Euro jackpot, the most recent one being in 2018. There have also been quite a few cases where the jackpot was split between multiple winners, still resulting in quite sizable prizes.

For every group, excluding the first one, the total winnings are calculated nationally. What this means is that they can vary from country to country based on the number of winners, lottery tax, and other related reasons. While there are a number of countries that participate in Eurojackpot, it might interest you to know that Spain is the only one that takes part in both Eurojackpot and EuroMillions.

Here’s a quick rundown of the participating countries, giving you a good idea of just how widespread this lottery is throughout Europe:

  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Spain
  • Slovenia
  • Czech Republic
  • Hungary
  • Slovakia
  • Poland

Play Eurojackpot OnlineTry Your Luck and Play Eurojackpot Online

So, why not test your luck and see what happens if you decide to play the Eurojackpot online? It’s really easy to do, and the results are delivered to you as soon as they are out; not to mention that we have them published here for you immediately. Getting a ticket is effortless, and you can choose your own numbers, have our tool do it for you, or even use a combination of both if you want to mix things up. You can even take a look at the winners in each tier to see what your chances of winning are like. As we’ve said, they are certainly higher than EuroMillions.

All you need to do in order to win is match the five main numbers with the two additional numbers that come after, and you’ve got the jackpot. There is a total of 12 tiers for the prizes, which also increases your chances of at least winning something; even if it’s enough to try your luck again the following week. You can check the website for live updates with regards to the winning number, or you can tune in to watch it live every week. The draw takes place on a Friday in Helsinki at 21:00 local time.

Excitingly, the jackpot has broken records in a few European countries when won, and this is most notably the case in Hungary. At the time, the total amount in the prize pot came to 5092million Forint, which is the currency in Hungary, which was just under 20million Euros in comparison. It’s a lottery that keeps breaking records and changing lives all at once.

We all dream of winning the lottery, even if it’s only enough to pay an outstanding debt or put the deposit on a new home down. When you play other lotteries like EuroMillions or the German Lotto, those chances are massively decreased, and the odds of winning are much lower. By taking a chance and playing Eurojackpot instead, you might find yourself one step closer to a life that is more comfortable, as well as some of the finer things you never thought you would have. All you need to do is take a look at the results and jackpot winners over the years to see that it is more than possible for you to be one of them.

What are you waiting for? The tickets are cheap and the chances high, so get ready to pick your number and see what happens next.

You can also check a full list of our online lotteries with the greatest jackpots!