Thunderball Results and Winning Numbers

Estimated jackpot: £500,000
Tier Match
Winners Payout per winner
Prize #1 I Match
5+ 1
Winners:   0 Payout per winner:   £0.00
Prize #2 II Match
5+ 0
Winners:   2 Payout per winner:   £5,000.00
Prize #3 III Match
4+ 1
Winners:   22 Payout per winner:   £250.00
Prize #4 IV Match
4+ 0
Winners:   393 Payout per winner:   £100.00
Prize #5 V Match
3+ 1
Winners:   1,093 Payout per winner:   £20.00
Prize #6 VI Match
3+ 0
Winners:   14,718 Payout per winner:   £10.00
Prize #7 VII Match
2+ 1
Winners:   12,342 Payout per winner:   £10.00
Prize #8 VIII Match
1+ 1
Winners:   50,668 Payout per winner:   £5.00
Prize #9 IX Match
0+ 1
Winners:   62,783 Payout per winner:   £3.00
Total Sum: Total Winners:   142,021 :   £788,949.00

Thunderball ResultsThunderball Results On Lottomat – How To Check Them?

Lottomat is THE place to go when it comes to anything related to the lottery. From the freshest information and tips on how to increase your Thunderball winning chance, to prize breakdown, and of course, results. However, new players may feel overwhelmed when they open our pages for the first time. That’s exactly why we wrote this text. By the time you are done with it, you’ll be fully capable to view the latest Thunderball results quickly and efficiently.

All You Need To Know About Thunderball ResultsAll You Need To Know About Thunderball Results

We’ll start with the basics. Thunderball draws take place four times a week. Yes, you read that correctly. There are very few serious lotteries with nice jackpot prizes that are drawn this frequently. The days of the draws are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On each of these days at 8pm, a total of six numbers is drawn. Five main ones and one additional, called “Thunderball”.

Which prize you’ll win depends on the matching of the numbers that you picked with the ones that came out of the lotto machine. Thunderball prizes are divided into nine different categories which are:

  • Top prize (Jackpot) – Won in case of matching all six numbers including the bonus ball
  • Second prize – Won when the player matches all five numbers, but not the bonus one
  • Third prize – Won when the ticket has the right 4+1 combination
  • Fourth prize – Won when four main numbers are matched
  • Fifth prize – Correct 3+1 combination makes you a winner in this tier
  • Sixth prize – Three main numbers are all that you have to match to win this prize
  • Seventh prize – A combination of 2 main numbers plus the bonus number will fetch you a win in this one
  • Eight prize – One main number and the Thunderball is all you need to win this tier
  • Ninth prize – Smallest cash prize that you can win is won by selecting the right Thunderball.

Five main numbers can range between 1 and 50. The bonus ball can range between 1 and 12. Entering the draw with your ticket costs just £1, a price that is worth paying for playing, because if you are lucky, you may win a jackpot that’s only yours. No sharing between the players!

How To Check The Winning NumbersHow To Check The Winning Numbers?

This can be done in several ways and in several different places. But, if you want to get full results with all the details for each date, then the best place is our website where you can also play Thunderball online. Before we begin, we want to point out a few facts that will prove our statements.

  • Thunderball results on our website can be accessed by anyone. Completely free!
  • We are getting results directly from the UK National Lottery. That means that they are 100% accurate and trustworthy.
  • Everything is easy to access with a click or two. Even if you are not very tech-savvy, you won’t have to ask for help all the time.

Follow the five easy steps below and you’ll be able to find the results that you are looking for in no time.

Step 1: Navigate to the Lottomat website in your favorite browser on either a desktop computer or any modern mobile device.

Step 2: Once the homepage opens up, look for the “Lottery Results” in the top menu. Click on it.

Step 3: You’ll be redirected to the list where all lotteries that we have on offer can be found. Find Thunderball and click on “Results”.

Step 4: The screen that’s going to show has all the details for the most recent draw. You can see winning numbers, the date of the draw, the estimated jackpot, and the prize breakdown.

Step 5: If the latest results are what you are looking for, simply click on the field where you see the date, and select the date of the past result that you want to look into.

Historical DrawsCan I Check Historical Draws and Thunderball Results?

Yes, you absolutely can! How far into history you can go you wonder? Five years. That’s right, our archive of the lottery results has every Thunderball draw that happened in the last five years. This is something that can greatly improve your game experience. When the player does proper analysis and dives deep into the statistics, his chances of winning are greatly improved.

Archived results can be checked in the same manner that we described above. Just find the date that you are looking for and that’s all there is to it.

Thunderball Draw ResultsNational Lottery Thunderball Results – Most Common And Uncommon Numbers

In the end, we are presenting something special. In order to save you some time and to get you started on the right foot, we performed an analysis of our own. Below is a list of the most common and uncommon numbers that were drawn in the last 13 years.

Most Common Numbers

5 Most Common Numbers

30 – This number has been drawn 317 times

29 – Has been drawn 308 times

34 – Was drawn 306 times

18 – Came out of the lotto machine 305 times

Most Common Thunderballs

5 Most Common Thunderballs

13 – “Unlucky” number is on top, it was drawn 182 times

3 – Was drawn 179 times

1 and 8 – Drawn 168 times each

14 – This number was seen in 165 draws

7 – Lotto machine gave us this number on 164 occasions

Most Uncommon Numbers

5 Most Uncommon Numbers

12 – This number came out in only 258 draws.

35 – We saw this one in 260 draws.

14 – Lotto machine picked this number on 266 occasions.

25 – Was drawn 267

37 – Has been drawn 271 times

The most uncommon Thunderball is number 9. We saw it in only 135 draws, and the last time that happened was more than 50 days ago. On November 22nd, 2022 to be precise.

This lottery is played since 1999, so if you by any chance didn’t play yet, it’s the right time to do so. It’s easy with Lottomat.

If you want to play something else – check a full list of our online lotteries and pick at least one!